Forme humanoïde

Forme humanoïde sort 2

métamorphose, transmutation

Incantation Incantation somatique Incantation verbale

Durée 10 minutes or until dismissed

You transform your appearance to look like a Small or Medium humanoid, such as a drow, dwarf, elf, goblin, halfling, human, orc, or lizardfolk. You count as a humanoid in addition to your normal traits while in this form, as well as gaining any trait related to the creature’s kind (such as goblin or human). If this transformation reduces your size, it reduces your reach accordingly (using the effects of the shrink spell). This transformation doesn’t change your statistics in any way. You can still wear and use your gear, and it changes size to match your new form if necessary. The item’s size change ends immediately if the item leaves your person. You don’t gain the special abilities of the humanoid form you assume. This spell grants you a +4 conditional bonus to Deception checks to pass as a generic member of the chosen ancestry, but you can’t make yourself to look like a specific person. If you want to Impersonate an individual, you still need to create a disguise, though the GM won’t factor in the difference in ancestry when choosing the DC of your Deception check.




You gain darkvision or low-light vision if the form you assume has that ability.


You can take on the appearance of a Large humanoid. If this increases your size, you gain the effects of the enlarge spell.
