
Paralysie sort 3

enchantment, mental

Incantation Incantation somatique Incantation verbale

Portée 6 cases

Cible(s) one humanoid creature

Durée varies

You attempt to paralyze the target, potentially freezing it in place, depending on the outcome of the target’s Will save.

Réussite The target is slowed 1 for 1 round.

Réussite critique The target is unaffected.

Échec The target is paralyzed for 1 round.

Échec critique The target is paralyzed for 4 rounds. At the start of each of its turns, it can attempt a new Will save to reduce the remaining duration by 1 round or end it entirely on a critical success.



You can target a humanoid or non-humanoid creature.


You can target up to 10 humanoid creatures.


You can target up to 10 creatures, and they don’t have to be humanoids.
