Paume vibratoire

Paume vibratoire pouvoir 8 (Peu commun)

attaque, nécromancie

Incantation Incantation somatique Incantation verbale

Durée 1 month

Make a melee unarmed Strike, dealing damage normally. If you succeed and the target is alive; any time during the duration you can spend a Verbal action to speak a word of death that could instantly slay it, depending on its Fortitude save. If you cast quivering palm again, any previous quivering palm you had cast ends.

Réussite The target survives, the spell ends, and the target is bolstered against it.

Échec The target is stunned for 1 round but survives. The spell’s duration continues, but the target is bolstered against being killed by quivering palm for 24 hours.

Échec critique The target dies.
