Sonde de l'esprit

Sonde de l'esprit sort 5 (Peu commun)

divination, langage, mental

Incantation 1 minute (M, S, V)

Portée 6 cases

Cible(s) une créature

Durée 1 minute

You access the target’s memories and knowledge unless it fends you off with a Will save.

Réussite The target is unaffected.

Échec Each round of the probe’s duration, you ask a different question and attempt to uncover the answer. For each question, the target can attempt a Deception check against your spell DC; if the target succeeds, you don’t learn the answer, and on a critical success, the target sends you a false answer that you believe is a truthful answer.

Échec critique Per failure, but the target takes a –4 circumstance penalty to Deception checks against questions you ask as part of the probe.
