
Synesthésie sort 5

divination, mental

Incantation Incantation somatique Incantation verbale

Portée 6 cases

Cible(s) une créature

Durée 1 minute

The target’s senses are acutely rewired in unexpected ways, causing them to process noises as bursts of color, smells as sounds, and so on. This has three effects, depending on the target’s Will save.

  • Due to the distraction, the target must succeed at a DC 5 flat check each time it uses a concentrate action or reaction, or that action or reaction fails.

  • The reprocessing of the target’s visual senses make all creatures and objects concealed from it.

  • The creature has trouble moving effectively, making it sluggish 3 and hampered 10 feet.

Réussite The target is affected for 1 round.

Réussite critique The target is unaffected.

Échec The target is affected for 1 minute.

Échec critique Per failure, and the target is stunned for 1 round as it attempts to process the sensory shifts.



You can target up to five creatures.
