Vérité fabriquée

Vérité fabriquée sort 10 (Peu commun)

enchantment, mental

Incantation Incantation matérielle Incantation somatique Incantation verbale

Portée 20 cases

Cible(s) up to 5 creatures

Durée varies

Choose a single fact you want all targets to believe. Their experiences color how they react to this “truth” and how their behavior changes. If the fact changes what they perceive, they treat the change as a sudden revelation. The fact could be narrow, such as “a dragon is circling overhead and wants to kill me”; wide-reaching, such as “all humanoids are disguised abominations”; or conceptual, such as “if I don’t live a kinder life, I’ll be punished in the afterlife.” The effect depends on the targets’ Will saves. If a target is already subject to fabricated truth, your spell tries to dispel it. If the check fails, the target can’t get an outcome worse than success.

Réussite It doesn’t believe the fact or realize you tried to trick it.

Réussite critique As success, but it knows you tried to trick it.

Échec It believes the fact for a duration of 1 week.

Échec critique It believes the fact with unlimited duration.
