Litanie contre la colère

Litanie contre la colère pouvoir 3 (Peu commun)

Bien, litany, évocation

Incantation Incantation verbale

Portée 6 cases

Cible(s) one evil creature

Durée 1 round

Your litany rails against the sin of wrath, punishing the target for attacking good creatures depending on its Reflex save. A particularly wrathful creature, such as a vrock, treats the outcome of the saving throw as one degree of success worse. The target is bolstered against your litanies.

Réussite The first time the target spends an action or performs an activity that damages at least one good creature, it takes 3d6 good damage.

Réussite critique The target is unaffected.

Échec Each time the target spends an action or performs an activity that damages at least one good creature, it takes 3d6 good damage.

Échec critique The target is weakened 1. Each time the target spends an action or performs an activity that damages at least one good creature, it takes 3d6 good damage.



The damage increases by 1d6.
