Glossaire des dons

VO VF Source
Adapted Spell Sort adapté Playtest Pathfinder
Additional Heightening Élévation supplémentaire Playtest Pathfinder
Advanced Dogma Dogme avancé Playtest Pathfinder
Advanced Domain Domaine avancé Playtest Pathfinder
Ageless Patience Patience éternelle Playtest Pathfinder
Aggressive Shield Bouclier aggressif Playtest Pathfinder
Alchemical Crafting Artisanat alchimique Playtest Pathfinder
Alchemical Familiar Familier alchimique Playtest Pathfinder
Alchemical Savant Érudit alchimique Playtest Pathfinder
Align Armament Armement aligné Playtest Pathfinder
Allegro Allegro Playtest Pathfinder
Ancestral Hatred Haine ancestrale Playtest Pathfinder
Ancestral Longevity Longévité ancestrale Playtest Pathfinder
Ancient's Blood Sang des ancients Playtest Pathfinder
Animal Companion Compagnon animal Playtest Pathfinder
Animal Shape Transformation animale Playtest Pathfinder
Animal Speaker Linguiste animalier Playtest Pathfinder
Animal Whisperer Ami des animaux Playtest Pathfinder
Animal accomplice Complice animal Playtest Pathfinder
Arcane Evolution Évolution arcanique Playtest Pathfinder
Arcane Sense Perception arcanique Playtest Pathfinder
Archmage's Might Puissance de l'archimage Playtest Pathfinder
Assisting Shield Tir d'assistance Playtest Pathfinder
Assurance Garantie Playtest Pathfinder
Attentive Attentif Playtest Pathfinder
Automatic Knowledge Connaissances automatiques Playtest Pathfinder
Awakened Intellect Intellect éveillé Playtest Pathfinder
Bardic Lore Savoir bardique Playtest Pathfinder
Bargain Hunter Chasseur de bonnes affaires Playtest Pathfinder
Basic Cleric Spellcasting Sorts de prêtre basique Playtest Pathfinder
Basic Dogma Dogme basique Playtest Pathfinder
Battle Cry Cri de bataille Playtest Pathfinder
Bestial Mutagen Mutagène bestial Playtest Pathfinder
Blood Magic Magie du sang Playtest Pathfinder
Bloodline Resistance Résistance du lignage Playtest Pathfinder
Boulder roll Roulade du rocher Playtest Pathfinder
Brutish Shove Poussée brutale Playtest Pathfinder
Burn It Brulez ça Playtest Pathfinder
Calculated Splash Aspersion contrôlée Playtest Pathfinder
Calculated Splash Aspersion contrôlée Playtest Pathfinder
Call of the Wild Appel de la nature Playtest Pathfinder
Camouflage Camouflage Playtest Pathfinder
Cantrip Expansion Expansion des sortilèges Playtest Pathfinder
Cast Down Calmanlisation renversante Playtest Pathfinder
Cat Fall Chute féline Playtest Pathfinder
Channel Smite Canalisation du châtiment Playtest Pathfinder
Channeled Succor Canalisation restauratrice Playtest Pathfinder
Charming Liar Charmant menteur Playtest Pathfinder
City Scavenger Pilleur de ville Playtest Pathfinder
Cleric Dedication Dévotion : prêtre Playtest Pathfinder
Clever Improviser Improvisateur intelligent Playtest Pathfinder
Close Match Correspondance presque parfaite Playtest Pathfinder
Combat Grab Agrippement en combat Playtest Pathfinder
Combine Elixirs Combiner des élixirs Playtest Pathfinder
Command Undead Contrôle des morts-vivants Playtest Pathfinder
Communal Healing Soins de groupe Playtest Pathfinder
Companion's bond Lien avec le compagnon Playtest Pathfinder
Conceal Spell Sort discret Playtest Pathfinder
Confabulator Affabulateur Playtest Pathfinder
Conical Channel Canalisation conique Playtest Pathfinder
Conical Channel Canalisation conique Playtest Pathfinder
Cooperative Nature Nature coopérative Playtest Pathfinder
Counterspell Contresort Playtest Pathfinder
Craft Philosopher's Stone Fabriquer la pierre philosophale Playtest Pathfinder
Crossbow Ace Arbalétrier émérite Playtest Pathfinder
Cruel Deceiver Tromperie cruelle Playtest Pathfinder
Dangerous Sorcery Sorcellerie dangereuse Playtest Pathfinder
Deadly Simplicity Simplicité mortelle Playtest Pathfinder
Debilitating Bomb Bombe débilitante Playtest Pathfinder
Defensive Climber Escalade sur la défensive Playtest Pathfinder
Defensive Recovery Canalisation protectrice Playtest Pathfinder
Deity's Protection Protection de la déité Playtest Pathfinder
Delayed Bomb Bombe à retardement Playtest Pathfinder
Demon Skirmisher Pourfendeur de démon Playtest Pathfinder
Diehard Dur à cuire Playtest Pathfinder
Dimensional Steps Pas dimensionnels Playtest Pathfinder
Dirge of Doom Hymne funeste Playtest Pathfinder
Discerning Smell Odorat fin Playtest Pathfinder
Distracting Shadows Ombres distrayantes Playtest Pathfinder
Distracting Shot Tir distrayant Playtest Pathfinder
Divine Evolution Évolution divine Playtest Pathfinder
Divine Will Volonté divine Playtest Pathfinder
Divine breadth Largesse divine Playtest Pathfinder
Domain Domaine Playtest Pathfinder
Double Mutagen Double mutagène Playtest Pathfinder
Double Shot Tir double Playtest Pathfinder
Double Slice Double découpe Playtest Pathfinder
Double Slice Découpe double Playtest Pathfinder
Double Target Double proie Playtest Pathfinder
Dragon Shape Transformation draconique Playtest Pathfinder
Dread Aura Aura effroyable Playtest Pathfinder
Dual-Handed Assault Assaut à deux mains Playtest Pathfinder
Dubious Knowledge Connaissances douteuses Playtest Pathfinder
Dueling Parry Parade à une arme Playtest Pathfinder
Eat Anything Mange-tout Playtest Pathfinder
Eclectic Skill Talents éclectiques Playtest Pathfinder
Effortless concentration Concentration sans effort Playtest Pathfinder
Elemental Channel Canalisation élémentaire Playtest Pathfinder
Elemental Shape Transformation élémentaire Playtest Pathfinder
Elemental Tempest Tempête élémentaire Playtest Pathfinder
Emblazon symbole Symbole blasonné Playtest Pathfinder
Empowering focus Focalisateur arcanique puissant Playtest Pathfinder
Enduring Alchemy Alchimie persistante Playtest Pathfinder
Energy Absorption Absorption d'énergie Playtest Pathfinder
Enhanced Familiar Familier amélioré Playtest Pathfinder
Eschew Materials Dispense de matériaux Playtest Pathfinder
Esoteric Scholar Savant ésotérique Playtest Pathfinder
Eternal Elixir Élixir éternel Playtest Pathfinder
Expanded Domain Domaine étendu Playtest Pathfinder
Expanded Splash Aspersion étendue Playtest Pathfinder
Expert Cleric Spellcasting Sorts de prêtre expert Playtest Pathfinder
Exploitive Bomb Bombe perce-résistances Playtest Pathfinder
Extend Elixir Élixir prolongé Playtest Pathfinder
Familiar Familier Playtest Pathfinder
Far Lobber Lanceur puissant Playtest Pathfinder
Fast Channel Canalisation rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Fast Onset Délai raccourci Playtest Pathfinder
Fast Recovery Récupération rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Fatal Aria Aria fatale Playtest Pathfinder
Favored Aim Visée privilégiée Playtest Pathfinder
Feather Step Pas assurés Playtest Pathfinder
Ferocious Shape Transformation féroce Playtest Pathfinder
Fey Fellowship Compagnon des fées Playtest Pathfinder
First World Magic Magie du Royaume des fées Playtest Pathfinder
Flame Heart Coeur de flamme Playtest Pathfinder
Fleet Pas rapides Playtest Pathfinder
Focus Conservation Conservation de focalisateur arcanique Playtest Pathfinder
Forlorn Désespéré Playtest Pathfinder
Forme Control Contrôle de la forme Playtest Pathfinder
Full-Grown Companion Compagnon animal adulte (rôdeur) Playtest Pathfinder
Full-grown Companion Compagnon adulte (druide) Playtest Pathfinder
Furious Focus Concentration furieuse Playtest Pathfinder
General Training Entraînement général Playtest Pathfinder
Genius Mutagen Mutagène génial Playtest Pathfinder
Giant Bane Fléau des géants Playtest Pathfinder
Glad-hand Poignée de mains charmante Playtest Pathfinder
Glib Mutagen Mutagène baratineur Playtest Pathfinder
Gray Maiden Dedication Dévotion : vestale de la Reine Playtest Pathfinder
Greater Debilitating Bomb Bombe débilitante supérieure Playtest Pathfinder
Greater Distracting Shot Tir distrayant amélioré Playtest Pathfinder
Green empathy Empathie verte Playtest Pathfinder
Group Coercion Coercion de groupe Playtest Pathfinder
Group Impression Amadouer un groupe Playtest Pathfinder
Half-Elf Demi-elfe Playtest Pathfinder
Half-Orc Demi-orque Playtest Pathfinder
Hand of the Apprentice Main de l'apprenti Playtest Pathfinder
Hardy Robuste Playtest Pathfinder
Harmonize Harmoniser Playtest Pathfinder
Haughty Obstinacy Obstination hautaine Playtest Pathfinder
Hazard Finder Dénicheur de danger Playtest Pathfinder
Healing Transformation Métamorphose curative Playtest Pathfinder
Healing hands Mains guérisseuses Playtest Pathfinder
Heroic Recovery Canalisation héroïque Playtest Pathfinder
Hierophant's Power Puissance du hiérophante Playtest Pathfinder
Hobnobber Sociable Playtest Pathfinder
Holy Castigation Punition sacrée Playtest Pathfinder
House of imaginary walls Maison aux murs imaginaires Playtest Pathfinder
Hunting Companion Compagnon chasseur Playtest Pathfinder
Illusion Sense Sens de l'illusion Playtest Pathfinder
Impeccable Craft Artisanat impeccable Playtest Pathfinder
Impossible Volley Salve impossible Playtest Pathfinder
Improbable Elixirs Élixirs improbables Playtest Pathfinder
Improved Brutish Shove Poussée brutale améliorée Playtest Pathfinder
Improved Combat Grab Agrippement en combat amélioré Playtest Pathfinder
Improved Command Undead Contrôle des morts-vivants amélioré Playtest Pathfinder
Improved Communal Healing Soins de groupe améliorés Playtest Pathfinder
Improved Elemental Channel Canalisation élémentaire améliorée Playtest Pathfinder
Improvised Snare Trappe improvisée Playtest Pathfinder
Incredible Companion Compagnon incroyable (druide) Playtest Pathfinder
Incredible Companion Compagnon incroyable (rôdeur) Playtest Pathfinder
Insect Shape Transformation insectoïde Playtest Pathfinder
Inspire Competence Inspiration talentueuse Playtest Pathfinder
Inspire Heroics Inspiration héroïque Playtest Pathfinder
Inspire Imitation Inspirer par l'exemple Playtest Pathfinder
Intimidating Glare Regard intimidant Playtest Pathfinder
Intimidating Prowess Prouesses intimidantes Playtest Pathfinder
Intimidating Strike Frappe intimidante Playtest Pathfinder
Inventor Inventeur Playtest Pathfinder
Invincible Mutagen Mutagène invincible Playtest Pathfinder
Invisibility Cloak Manteau d'invisibilité Playtest Pathfinder
Invoke disaster Invoquer un désastre Playtest Pathfinder
Irresistible Energy Energie irresistible Playtest Pathfinder
Junk Tinker Bricoleur de bric-à-brac Playtest Pathfinder
Keen Hearing Fine ouïe Playtest Pathfinder
Keen eyes Vue aiguisée Playtest Pathfinder
Kip Up Debout Playtest Pathfinder
Laboratory safety Sécurité du laboratoire Playtest Pathfinder
Langue verte Green tongue Playtest Pathfinder
Lasting Coercion Coercion persistante Playtest Pathfinder
Legendary Climber Grimpeur légendaire Playtest Pathfinder
Legendary Contortionist Contorsionniste légendaire Playtest Pathfinder
Legendary Impersonator Imitateur légendaire Playtest Pathfinder
Legendary Negociator Négociateur légendaire Playtest Pathfinder
Legendary Swimmer Nageur légendaire Playtest Pathfinder
Lengthy Diversion Diversion durable Playtest Pathfinder
Leshy Familiar Familier leshy Playtest Pathfinder
Leyline conduit Conduit des lignes telluriques Playtest Pathfinder
Lie to Me Mentez-moi Playtest Pathfinder
Life Drain Drain de vie Playtest Pathfinder
Life Sapping Extraction de vie Playtest Pathfinder
Lingering Composition Composition persistante Playtest Pathfinder
Loremaster's Recall Souvenir du maître du savoir Playtest Pathfinder
Lucky Halfling Halfling chanceux Playtest Pathfinder
Magic Sense Sens magique Playtest Pathfinder
Magical Crafting Artisanat magique Playtest Pathfinder
Magical Shorthand Notations magiques Playtest Pathfinder
Magical striker Attaquant magique Playtest Pathfinder
Makeshift Wand Baguette improvisée Playtest Pathfinder
Master Cleric Spellcasting Sorts de prêtre de maître Playtest Pathfinder
Master Monster Hunter Maître chasseur de monstres Playtest Pathfinder
Melodious Spell Sort mélodieux Playtest Pathfinder
Mental Stronghold Forteresse mentale Playtest Pathfinder
Mental prowess Prouesse mentale Playtest Pathfinder
Metamagic Channeler Canalisateur métamagique Playtest Pathfinder
Metamagic Mastery Maîtrise métamagique Playtest Pathfinder
Mindblank Mutagen Mutagène de l'esprit impénétrable Playtest Pathfinder
Miracle Worker Faiseur de miracles Playtest Pathfinder
Miraculous Power Pouvoir miraculeux Playtest Pathfinder
Monster Hunter Chasseur de monstres Playtest Pathfinder
Monster Warden Protecteur contre les monstres Playtest Pathfinder
Mountain roots Racines montagnardes Playtest Pathfinder
Multilingual Multilingue Playtest Pathfinder
Natural Ambition Ambition naturelle Playtest Pathfinder
Nature sense Sens de la nature Playtest Pathfinder
Necrotic Infusion Infusion nécrotique Playtest Pathfinder
Nimble Agile Playtest Pathfinder
Nimble Crawl Agile pour ramper Playtest Pathfinder
Obsessive Obsessionnel Playtest Pathfinder
Occult Evolution Évolution occulte Playtest Pathfinder
One-handed Climber Escalade à une main Playtest Pathfinder
Orc Ferocity Ferocité orque Playtest Pathfinder
Orc Sight Vue d'orque Playtest Pathfinder
Orc Weapon Carnage Carnage martial (orque) Playtest Pathfinder
Orc Weapon Familiarity Familiarité martiale (orque) Playtest Pathfinder
Otherworldly Magic Magie extraordinaire Playtest Pathfinder
Overwhelming Energy Energie écrasante Playtest Pathfinder
Overwhelming Spell Sort perce-résistances Playtest Pathfinder
Perfect Debilitation Débilitation parfaite Playtest Pathfinder
Perfect Medicine Remède parfait Playtest Pathfinder
Perfect Mutagen Mutagène parfait Playtest Pathfinder
Persistent Mutagen Mutagène persistant Playtest Pathfinder
Plucky Courageux Playtest Pathfinder
Point-blank Shot Attaque à bout portant Playtest Pathfinder
Poison Antidote Antidote anti-poison Playtest Pathfinder
Poison Panacea Panacée anti-poison Playtest Pathfinder
Poison Touch Toucher empoisonné Playtest Pathfinder
Poison resistance Résistance au poison (alchimiste) Playtest Pathfinder
Poison resistance Résistance au poison (druide) Playtest Pathfinder
Potent Poisoner Empoisonneur efficace Playtest Pathfinder
Power Attack Attaque en puissance Playtest Pathfinder
Powerful Alchemy Alchimie puissante Playtest Pathfinder
Powerful Leap Bond puissant Playtest Pathfinder
Powerful snares Trappes puissantes Playtest Pathfinder
Precise Bombs Bombes de précision Playtest Pathfinder
Primal Evolution Évolution primaire Playtest Pathfinder
Primal Summons Conjurations primaires Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Bomber Lanceur rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Climb Grimpeur rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Climb Saut rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Disguise Déguisement rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Draw Arme en main Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Identification Identification rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Intimidation Intimidation rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Preparation Préparation rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Recognition Identification de sorts rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Repair Réparation rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Squeeze Rapide pour se faufiler Playtest Pathfinder
Quick Swim Nageur rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Quick reversal Revirement rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Quick snares Trappes rapides Playtest Pathfinder
Quickened Casting Incantation accélérée Playtest Pathfinder
Rapid Mantel Rapide pour se hisser Playtest Pathfinder
Razor Teeth Dents acérées Playtest Pathfinder
Reach Spell Sort éloigné Playtest Pathfinder
Reactive Shield Bouclier réactif Playtest Pathfinder
Recognize Spell Identification de sorts Playtest Pathfinder
Reflect Spell Réflexion de sort Playtest Pathfinder
Resilient Concentration Concentration résiliente Playtest Pathfinder
Revivifying Mutagen Mutagène revivifiant Playtest Pathfinder
Rock runner Coureur des roches Playtest Pathfinder
Rough Rider Cavalier sans finesse Playtest Pathfinder
Running Reload Rechargement en course Playtest Pathfinder
Savage slice Découpe sauvage Playtest Pathfinder
Scare to Death Effrayer à mort Playtest Pathfinder
Scars Cicatrices Playtest Pathfinder
Scout's Warning Alerte de l'éclaireur Playtest Pathfinder
Scribe Scrolls Écriture de parchemins Playtest Pathfinder
Selective Energy Energie sélective Playtest Pathfinder
Sens the unseen Sens de l'invisible Playtest Pathfinder
Shadow Hunter Chasseur de l'ombre Playtest Pathfinder
Shameless request Requête sans vergogne Playtest Pathfinder
Shared Target Proie partagée Playtest Pathfinder
Shifting Form Forme changeante Playtest Pathfinder
Side by Side Côte à côte Playtest Pathfinder
Skill Training Formation dans une compétence Playtest Pathfinder
Skilled Talentueux Playtest Pathfinder
Skirmish Strike Frappe d'escarmouche Playtest Pathfinder
Slippery Secrets Secrets insaisissables Playtest Pathfinder
Smoke Bomb Bombe fumigène Playtest Pathfinder
Snare Savant Expertise des pièges Playtest Pathfinder
Snare crafting Fabrication de trappes Playtest Pathfinder
Soaring Shape Transformation aérienne Playtest Pathfinder
Soothing Ballad Ballade apaisante Playtest Pathfinder
Speciality Crafting Artisanat spécialisé Playtest Pathfinder
Specialized Companion Compagnon spécialisé Playtest Pathfinder
Specialized Companion Compagnon spécialisé Playtest Pathfinder
Spell Combination Combinaison de sorts Playtest Pathfinder
Spell Penetration Pénétration des sorts Playtest Pathfinder
Stalker Mutagen Mutagène furtif Playtest Pathfinder
Stalker's Shot Tir furtif Playtest Pathfinder
Steady Balance Équilibre sur Playtest Pathfinder
Steady Spellcasting Incantation imperturbable Playtest Pathfinder
Stealthy Companion Compagnon discret Playtest Pathfinder
Sticky bomb Bombe collante Playtest Pathfinder
Stonecunning Connaissance de la pierre Playtest Pathfinder
Storm Born Né des tempêtes Playtest Pathfinder
Storm Retribution Châtiment des tempêtes Playtest Pathfinder
Strong Medicine Remède puissant Playtest Pathfinder
Student of the canon Étudiant du cannon Playtest Pathfinder
Sudden charge Charge soudaine Playtest Pathfinder
Superior Focus Focalisateur arcanique supérieur Playtest Pathfinder
Supernatural Charm Charme surnaturel Playtest Pathfinder
Superstition Superstition Playtest Pathfinder
Sure-Footed Bon équilibre Playtest Pathfinder
Swift Dispel Dissipation rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Swift Tracker Pisteur rapide Playtest Pathfinder
Symphony of the Muse Symphonie de la muse Playtest Pathfinder
Thousand Faces Mille visages Playtest Pathfinder
Titan Slinger Frondeur de titans Playtest Pathfinder
Trick Magic Item Tromper un objet magique Playtest Pathfinder
Tricky Tinker Bricoleur astucieux Playtest Pathfinder
Triple Threat Triple menace Playtest Pathfinder
Triple time Rythme ternaire Playtest Pathfinder
True Debilitating Bomb Bombe débilitante véritable Playtest Pathfinder
True Shapeshifter Métamorphe véritable Playtest Pathfinder
Turn Undead Renvoi des morts-vivants Playtest Pathfinder
Twin Parry Parade à deux armes Playtest Pathfinder
Twin Riposte Riposte à deux armes Playtest Pathfinder
Uncanny Bombs Bombes de précision supérieure Playtest Pathfinder
Unconventional Weaponry Arsenal non conventionnel Playtest Pathfinder
Underwater Marauder Combattant sous-marin Playtest Pathfinder
Unfettered Doué pour l'évasion Playtest Pathfinder
Universal Empowerment Alchimie universelle Playtest Pathfinder
Universal Versatility Versatilité universelle Playtest Pathfinder
Unusual Composition Composition originale Playtest Pathfinder
Unwavering Mien Caractère déterminé Playtest Pathfinder
Verdant Metamorphosis Métamorphose verdoyante Playtest Pathfinder
Versatile Performance Représentation polyvalente Playtest Pathfinder
Very Sneaky Très discret Playtest Pathfinder
Vicious Concentration Concentration vicieuse Playtest Pathfinder
Vigilant Eye Oeil vigilant Playtest Pathfinder
Wall Jump Saut contre un mur Playtest Pathfinder
Warden's Guidance Conseil du protecteur Playtest Pathfinder
Warden's boon Bénédiction du protecteur Playtest Pathfinder
Warrior Priest Prêtre guerrier Playtest Pathfinder
Weapon Cunning (Dwarf) Habilité martiale (nain) Playtest Pathfinder
Weapon Elegance (Elf) Grâce martiale (elfe) Playtest Pathfinder
Weapon Familiarity (Dwarf) Familiarité martiale (nain) Playtest Pathfinder
Weapon Familiarity (Elf) Familiarité martiale (elfe) Playtest Pathfinder
Weapon Familiarity (Gnome) Familiarité martiale (gnome) Playtest Pathfinder
Weapon Familiarity (Gobelin) Familiarité martiale (gobelin) Playtest Pathfinder
Weapon Familiarity (Halfling) Familiarité martiale (halfling) Playtest Pathfinder
Weapon Frenzy (Goblin) Frénésie martiale (gobelin) Playtest Pathfinder
Weapon Innovator (Gnome) Innovateur martial (gnome) Playtest Pathfinder
Weapon Trickster (Halfling) Ruse martiale Playtest Pathfinder
Wellspring Spell Sort inépuisable Playtest Pathfinder
Widen Spell Sort élargi Playtest Pathfinder
Wild Empathy Empathie sauvage Playtest Pathfinder
Wild Shape Transformation sauvage Playtest Pathfinder
Wind caller Appel du vent Playtest Pathfinder
Woodland Stride Déplacement naturel dans la forêt Playtest Pathfinder
