
Localisation sort 3 (Peu commun)

detection, divination

Incantation 10 minutes (M, S, V)

Portée 500 feet

Cible(s) one specific object or type of object

Durée concentration

You learn the direction to the target (if you picked a specific object, such as “my grandmother’s sword”) or the nearest target (if you picked a type of objects, such as “swords”). If the target is a specific object, you must have observed it directly with your own senses. If it’s general, you still need to have an accurate mental image of the type of object. If there’s lead or running water between you and the target, you can’t locate the object. If you picked a type of object, this means you might find that is an object farther away if a nearer one is behind lead or running water.




You can target a specific creature or ancestry instead of an object. You must have met the creature or a creature of that ancestry up close in order to do so.
