Lumière brûlante

Lumière brûlante sort 3

Bien, attaque, feu, lumière, évocation

Incantation Incantation somatique Incantation verbale

Portée 24 cases

Cible(s) une créature

You shoot a blazing-hot ray of light tinged with holy energy. Make a ranged touch attack against the target. If you hit, you deal 4d6 fire damage. If the target is a fiend or undead, you deal 4d6 additional good damage to it. On a critical hit, double all the damage. If the light passes through an area of magical darkness or targets a creature affected by magical darkness, searing light attempts to dispel the darkness. If you need to determine whether the light passes through an area of darkness, draw a line between you and the spell’s target.




The fire damage by 3d6 and the good damage against fiends and undead increases by 3d6.
