Mur de vent

Mur de vent sort 3

air, évocation

Incantation Incantation matérielle Incantation somatique Incantation verbale

Portée 24 cases

Durée 1 minute

You create a 5-foot-thick, 60-foot-long, and 30-foot-high wall of swirling winds within range. The wall stands vertically, but you can shape its path. Though the wall of wind distorts the air, creatures can see clearly though it and it does not hamper sight. The wall has the following effects. Physical ranged attacks, such as arrows, bolts, sling bullets, and other similarly sized ammunition, can’t pass through the wall. Attacks from bigger ranged weapons, such as javelins, take a –2 circumstance penalty to their attack rolls if their path passes through the wall. Massive ranged weapons and spell effects that don’t create physical objects pass through the wall without trouble. Creatures attempting to move overland through the wall treat it as difficult terrain. Gases, including creatures in gaseous form, can’t pass through the wall. A creature that spends a move action to attempt to fly through the wall must attempt a Fortitude save.

Réussite The flying creature treats the wall as difficult terrain this turn.

Réussite critique The creature can move through the wall without treating it as difficult terrain this turn.

Échec The wall stops the movement of the flying creature, and any remaining movement from its current action is wasted.

Échec critique Per failure, and the creature is pushed 10 feet away from the wall.
