
Restauration sort 2

guérison, nécromancie

Incantation 10 minutes (S, V)

Portée contact

Cible(s) une créature

When you cast restoration, choose to either reduce a condition or lessen the effect of a toxin. A creature can benefit from only one restoration spell each day, and it can’t benefit from restoration more than once to reduce the stage of the same exposure to a given toxin.

Reduce a Condition

Reduce the value of the target’s enfeebled, sluggish, or stupefied condition by 2. You can instead reduce two of the listed conditions by 1 each.

Lessen a Toxin

Reduce the stage of one toxin the target suffers from by one stage. This can’t reduce the stage below stage 1 or cure the affliction.




Add drained to the list of conditions you can reduce. When you lessen a toxin, reduce the stage by two. You also gain a third option that allows you to reduce the target’s enervated value by 1. You can’t use this to reduce a permanent enervated condition.


Per the 4th-level restoration, but you can reduce a permanent enervated condition if you add a Material Casting action while casting the spell, during which you provide 100 gp worth of diamond dust as a cost.
