
Possession sort 7 (Peu commun)

mental, nécromancie, possession

Incantation Incantation somatique Incantation verbale

Portée 6 cases

Cible(s) one living creature

Durée concentration up to 1 minute

You send your mind and soul into the target’s body, attempting to take control, and the target must attempt a Will save. You can choose to take the effects of a lower degree of success if you prefer. While you’re possessing a target, your true body is unconscious and can’t wake up normally.

Réussite You possess the target but can’t control it, riding along in its body while the spell lasts.

Réussite critique The target is unaffected.

Échec You possess the target and take partial control of it. Both you and the target can spend actions using the target’s body.

Échec critique You possess the target and take total control. Only you can spend actions using the target’s body, and the target can only watch as you manipulate it like a puppet.



You can Concentrate on the Spell for up to 10 minutes. If you wish, you can physically enter the creature’s body, protecting your physical body while the spell lasts.
